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Government approves in principle a future Referendum on Article 34 of the Constitution

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter, T.D, has

announced that the Government today approved, in principle, proposals for a

number of major reforms to our Courts Structures. The Minster said that

proposals accepted by his Government colleagues will require the holding of

a Constitutional Referendum and have the potential to achieve some of the

most significant changes to the courts structures which had remained

largely unchanged since 1924.

The Minister said: “An amendment to Article 34 of the Constitution, as

proposed, would permit the establishment of additional superior courts

including, for example, the establishment of a Civil Court of Appeal and a

new separate Family Court structure. This proposal would also allow the

Oireachtas to consider the establishment of other specialist superior

courts, should they be required. The work to be undertaken will also

consider the constitutional change required to enable the State to

participate in any arrangement providing for the establishment of a

European Patent Court. ”

The Government also agreed that consideration should be given to other

constitutional changes including, for example, possible amendments to

Article 26 dealing with the reference of a Bill by the President to the

Supreme Court. The Minister said “I am of the view that we need to review

the procedure whereby the Supreme Court is confined to delivering one

judgment only and no minority judgment may be delivered in the

determination of an Article 26 application. This may create an artificial

appearance of unanimity and consideration is being given to whether there

should be greater transparency and whether it is in the public interest

that individual members of the court should be enabled to deliver

individual judgements.

Also, consideration is to be given to conferring a power on the Supreme

Court to determine whether a Presidential reference of a Bill to the

Supreme Court under Article 26 should be capable of rejection by that Court

for such adjudication due to the absence of a proper factual or evidential

basis on which to conduct such adjudication.”

Consideration is also to be given to possible amendments to Article 26 and

Article 34, in respect of Bills referred by the President to the Supreme

Court, to enable possible future constitutional challenges to Bills already

upheld as constitutional following such reference. For example, such

further constitutional challenge could be appropriate with regard to

legislation where a question arises not addressed by the Supreme Court in

its original decision under Article 26, and/or following the lapse of five

years or some other specified period from the date of the original


With regard to the establishment of a Court of Civil Appeal other issues

also arise for consideration such as whether, following the High Court

adjudicating in a constitutional matter, an appeal should be made directly

to the Supreme Court or whether the Court of Civil Appeal should play a


Finally consideration will be given to adding a secular oath as an optional

alternative to the current form of judicial declaration contained in

Article 34.5.

Minister Shatter said “I would now expect to engage in a broad public

debate on these matters as the time has come to explore the much needed

reform of the current Constitutional framework. In this context I also

intend to bring forward at an early date the long promised Judicial Council


The Minister expressed his belief that, arising from this morning’s

Government decision, the necessary first steps can now be taken towards

making amendments to the Constitution to significantly improve the

structure of the Courts for the benefit of all concerned. The Minister

said he intends that work on these matters will commence shortly and a

decision on when to hold the necessary referendum will be made at a later


17 July 2012


Notes for Editors$FILE/Report%20of%20the%20Working%20Group%20on%20a%20Court%20of%20Appeal.pdf