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Government considers two Independent Reports on the North-South Interconnector (NSIC)

At its meeting today the Government considered two independent reports that the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Denis Naughten had commissioned on the North-South Interconnector (NSIC).

The first Report addressed the technical feasibility and cost of undergrounding the link while the second Report considered comparative international practice and approaches to compensation of property owners in proximity to high-voltage lines.

The first Report has concluded that from a techno-economic point of view, an Alternating Current Overhead Line is the most beneficial way of meeting the need for enhanced power transfer capability between Ireland and Northern Ireland.

In terms of comparative international practice to compensation, the second Report indicates that Ireland has a comparatively generous compensation regime in place.

The 2012 Government Policy Statement on the Strategic Importance of Transmission  and Other Energy Infrastructure, which states “Government does not seek to direct EirGrid and ESB Networks or other energy infrastructure developers to particular sites or technologies” was also noted by Government.

Minster Naughten will forward copies of the two Reports to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Communications, Climate Action and Environment and both reports are available on the Department’s website link here.