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Grant of up to € 8,249 approved by Minister of State Kyne for Lettermore Garden of Remembrance

Seán Kyne, Government Chief Whip and Minister of State for the Irish Language, the Gaeltacht and the Islands, announced that he has approved a grant of up to € 8,249 or 75% of the total cost, whichever is the lesser, for Lettermore’s Garden of Remembrance Committee to finalize the commemorative garden next to Lettermore Church.

This committee of volunteers has built a small garden next to Lettermore Chapel at Carrickalegaun Bridge, where the recognised tourist sign of the Wild Atlantic Way is. The committee has already done a lot of work voluntarily on the site and have made use of locally collected money. You can walk around and enjoy the views and garden itself, or sit down quietly in the memorial circle. It is a space for the locals and tourists to come and think quietly or take part in occasions organised by the local community and schools from time to time. The garden is laid out so that they have a framed view of the sea with stonework from local volunteers.

I am delighted to approve this grant so that the work on the garden can be finished,

said Minister of State Kyne.

This committee has already done fantastic work and I hope this funding will help them finish this valuable facility now.

The grant is being sanctioned in accordance with the commitment given in relation to the Community and Language Supports Programme under Action 2.22 of the Government’s Action Plan 2018-2022 for the Irish Language, launched in June 2018.