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Green Paper on Defence, Press Release by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence Mr. Alan Shatter T.D. 16th July 2013

Green Paper on Defence

Press Release by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence

Mr. Alan Shatter T.D.

16th July 2013

Following Government approval to prepare a new White Paper on Defence, the Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr. Alan Shatter, T.D. today published a Green Paper on Defence and initiated a broad public consultative process. The Green Paper is intended to inform and stimulate debate on Defence matters and to focus attention on the policy questions that the new White Paper must address. The Minister is seeking inputs from all interested parties.

The Minister said: “The new White Paper on Defence will set out Ireland’s Defence policy for the next decade and the consultative process launched today will provide the general public and interest groups with the opportunity to input their views. The Green Paper on Defence is intended to both inform members of the public and to stimulate a mature and productive debate on Ireland’s future defence policy. I encourage all interested parties, both individuals and organisations, to contribute their views. All suggestions, opinions and perspectives will be considered in the formulation of the new White Paper on Defence.”

The Minister explained why it is necessary to prepare a new White Paper on Defence. He said: “there have been many changes in the defence and security environment at global, regional and domestic levels since the publication of the first White Paper on Defence in 2000. These changes include the emergence of new security challenges such as international terrorism and cyber security issues. This has increased the importance of collective security co-operation between States. This in turn emphasises the importance of the United Nations and regional organisations such as the EU. The process of preparing a new White Paper will afford the opportunity to consider future security challenges and consider how we should respond to those challenges, including what military capabilities we should maintain and develop. It will frame a Defence Policy for the next decade, whilst building on the success of the last White Paper on Defence.”

An electronic copy of the Green Paper on Defence is available on the Department of Defence website at Submissions should be made in writing by e-mail to or by post to:

White Paper on Defence,

Planning and Organisation Branch,

Department of Defence,

Station Road,


Co. Kildare.

The closing date for receipt of submissions is 10th October 2013. Hard copies of the Green Paper may be requested from the address above or telephoning 045 492190. Please note that all documentation received will be subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003 and may be subject to release.

Note for Editors

The new White Paper on Defence is scheduled for publication in 2014. The last White Paper on Defence was the first in the history of this State and was published in 2000. A White Paper on Defence typically includes an assessment of the defence and security environment and how a State will respond to projected security challenges. This includes a consideration of the types of military capabilities that a State will maintain and develop over the lifetime of the White Paper, having regard to funding parameters. Countries that have recently produced Defence White Papers include France and Australia.