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Harris hails effective eradication of Hepatitis C in haemophilia patients a great achievement for Ireland

Minister for Health Simon Harris is delighted that haemophilia patients being treated under the HSE National Hepatitis C Treatment Programme have had excellent success rates. Haemophilia patients infected with Hepatitis C from blood products have been offered treatment under the Programme, the majority of whom have now completed treatment, and this has delivered a success rate in excess of 90% of patients clearing the virus.

“I am so delighted for all the patients who can now look forward to a bright, healthy future. The news released today by the Irish Haemophilia Society that the Government’s continued investment in the National Hepatitis C Treatment Programme is delivering such fantastic results, is truly heartening. The effective eradication of this disease will transform the lives of these patients, their families and those who continue to access the new direct acting anti-viral medicines under the Programme”.

As the Treatment Programme continues in 2017, the HSE will ensure that all state infected people will have been offered and commenced treatment by the end of this year.