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Hayes announces disposal policy of former Garda properties - at least 20 to go on market.

Minister of State, Brian Hayes TD has today responded to queries concerning the intention of the OPW to dispose of Garda station properties that have been closed in the past two years.

The Minister said today, "The Office of Public Works has responsibility for managing the property asset portfolio of the State. Obviously 139 Garda Stations have now become available either for sale or for other State uses. Clearly these stations are surplus to requirements and their disposal will make savings for the taxpayer on utilities, maintenance and ongoing security costs. The last thing we want to see are former Garda stations in a derelict condition, that's why I am announcing a new policy today."

The Minister continued by setting out the future for these properties, "The OPW defines surplus assets as those buildings and lands that are deemed to be surplus to the current or potential future needs of the State. The OPW will identify if there are any other State uses for the properties and this will be the first option explored. We are in the process of completing a full audit of all the stations and when completed, decisions will be taken on a case by case basis."

"Other State agencies and bodies should have a first call on the sites concerned. If there is no other State use for a property the OPW will then consider disposing of the property on the open market, if and when conditions prevail, in order to generate funds for the State. I have made it clear that I want the first bundle of 20 Garda stations to be on the market by the summer."

"I have also received from various community groups across the country, expressions of interest on how some of the former stations might be used. I want to make it clear that where a business case is made on behalf of a local group to take on the responsibility of managing a former station for the benefit of the community, the OPW will seriously consider this request."

The Minister concluded, "While our priority is to either to sell these sites or to obtain other State uses for them; we will seriously consider proposals that come from community groups with a proven track record in delivering local services in their community. I have an open mind on this and have been impressed by the quality of some of the representations made to me by interested groups."