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Hayes Hosts 40/40/40 Exhibition of Contemporary Art in Rathfarnham Castle

Mr. Brian Hayes, TD, Minister of State with special responsibility for the Office of Public Works (OPW) today (29 August 2013) opened ‘40/40/40’ – An exhibition of Contemporary Art celebrating Ireland’s 40 years in the European Union.

40/40/40 is an exhibition of contemporary artworks from the Irish State Collection, which has just returned to Ireland after a successful tour of Europe where it was exhibited at the Centro Cultural Conde Duque, Madrid; the University of Warsaw, Poland; and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Palazzo della Farnesina, Rome. The artworks have been created by 40 artists under the age of forty, who are either Irish or have chosen to base themselves in Ireland, and is in celebration of Ireland’s forty years in the European Union. The works reflect contemporary art practice across a variety of media – photography, drawing, sculpture and painting. The unique vision of each artist reflects the diversity of new work being created on our island.

Speaking at the opening event, Minister Hayes said, “It is my pleasure to welcome our esteemed guests to Rathfarnham Castle for this wonderful exhibition. My office, the OPW, is proud to manage the State Art Collection, which contains over 15,000 artworks and decorative objects. All of the artworks in this exhibition were acquired under the Government’s ‘Percent for Art Scheme’, which supports the work of artists living and working in Ireland. I’m delighted that we are able to showcase some of that important collection and enable everyone to enjoy and appreciate the creative assets that we safeguard on behalf of the Nation.”


Notes for Editors:

The exhibition will be displayed in Rathfarnham Castle during September and October. Admission free. No booking required. For further information please see

Rathfarnham Castle, which dates from the Elizabethan times, is probably the earliest example of what is termed a ‘fortified house’ built in Ireland. Erected by Adam Loftus, Archbishop of Dublin, the castle sports four battered flanker towers. In the late 18th century Henry Loftus, Earl of Ely, remodelled the castle on a splendid scale, employing two of the finest architects of the Georgian period: Sir William Chamber and James ‘Athenian’ Stuart.

Tours: Self-guided tours of Rathfarnham Castle & no admission charge.