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Initial reaction from the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Dr James Reilly

The Minister for Children and Youth affairs Dr James Reilly has welcomed today's interim judgement in the European Court of Justice related to tobacco. Based on this non binding opinion by the Advocate General; "it is a source of real satisfaction that an industry which causes the premature death of 50% of the habitual users of its products has failed to derail the democratic will of the people. In Ireland the legislation to introduce plain packaging of tobacco products was passed unanimously by both houses of the Oireachtas. Not a single vote was raised against the proposal. Oireachtas members were deeply aware that over five thousand people a year die from smoking related illness in Ireland, a tragedy that could be avoided. When Plain Packaging - showing in more graphic detail the devastating, fatal effects of smoking - stops children and young people from taking up this killer habit in the first place, it will have been worth the fight with the tobacco companies. Tobacco companies may have more manoeuvres, but the Irish Government stands ready to meet any challenge on the way to implementing this law."