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International programme of arts, culture and film events to take place alongside St Patrick's Day 2014 - Deenihan

· Programme to include support for over 40 cultural events in 18 countries

· Centres with supported events include Adelaide, Perth, London, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Oxford, Brussels, Chicago, Orlando, Los Angeles, Boston, Iowa, Georgia, Michigan, Oakville, Banff, Beijing, Shanghai, Paris, Berlin, Milan, Ragasthan, Amsterdam, Oslo, Manila, Belgrade, Moscow, Bilbao, Donastia, Montserrat

Thursday, February 20th - Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, has announced an international programme of arts and culture events for the St Patrick’s Festival period. This programme aims to enhance the overall impact of the St Patrick’s Day period by promoting Irish arts and culture on the international stage.

The Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, through the Culture Ireland programme, has allocated funding of approximately €250,000 to over 40 events taking place in 18 countries on or around St Patrick’s Day in 18 countries.

There will be a special focus on several key cities including Beijing, Moscow, and Paris, while the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have been identified as priority destinations where there are major English language markets.

Minister Deenihan commented:

“The international reach of St Patrick's Day is the envy of many countries. At this time of each year the spotlight of the world is on Ireland and it is the perfect opportunity for us to showcase the best of our arts, culture and film. It is also a time to reaffirm Ireland's story of recovery, and to present a very positive view of Ireland on the world stage.

"The Culture Ireland Advisory Committee includes representatives of arts, film, theatre, sculpture and craft along with The Ireland Funds, the IDA, and Tourism Ireland. The presentation of our arts, culture and film on the international stage is positive for Ireland, and doing it in a way that supports the international work of agencies like the IDA and Tourism Ireland makes common sense.

"The preparation of a programme of international cultural events to coincide with St Patrick's Day is an initiative I want to expand in the years ahead so that our national holiday is known as an International Day of Irish Culture."

Cultural events being supported include a production by the Fishamble Theatre Company in Los Angeles, Macnas performing in the St Patrick’s Day Parade, events at the London Irish Centre, and Rough Magic Theatre Company in Edinburgh. Internationally acclaimed group Altan will perform in Shanghai and Beijing. In Paris, the Screen Directors Guild of Ireland will present Irish Film on Tour. A full schedule of events taking place is available from the Department.



Please click here to view projects funded by Culture Ireland.