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Ireland’s New Director of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Mr Patrick Walsh will today begin his term as the new Irish Director of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Until recently, Mr Walsh served as a Special Advisor in the Secretariat General of the European Investment Bank (EIB), an institution that he has worked for in various development financing roles inside and outside the EU since 1983. Prior to this, Mr Walsh worked with the ICC Bank, the Investment Bank of Ireland, and with the Irish Civil Service. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (UK) and an Associate of the Irish Institute of Bankers.

Mr Walsh was chosen following a competitive interview based on experience, skills and ability to perform effectively in the position.

His term of office as Director runs until May 2021.

Note for Editors

The EBRD, headquartered in London, was established in 1991 to provide finance to develop open and sustainable market economies in countries committed to, and applying, democratic principles in Central and Eastern Europe in the former Soviet Bloc countries. The EBRD has since significantly extended its geographical scope of operations to include the countries of Southern and Eastern Europe, as well as Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia.

The EBRD provides project finance and equity for banks, industries and businesses, both new ventures and existing companies. It also works with publicly-owned companies to support privatisation, the restructuring of state-owned firms and the improvement of infrastructure.

The EBRD Board of Directors, composed of twenty‑three members of high competence in economic and financial matters, is responsible for the direction of the general operations of the Bank.

Mr Walsh's nomination followed a publicly advertised selection process. A Selection Committee considered expressions of interest and made a recommendation to the Minister for Finance following a shortlisting process and competitive interview. Mr Walsh’s nomination was approved by the Government. His nomination was subsequently notified to the EBRD and he was successfully elected by Ireland’s constituency (Denmark, Lithuania and Kosovo) in the Bank.

Patrick Walsh - Career Summary

2017 to Present
Special Advisor in the General Secretariat, European Investment Bank

2009 to 2017
Director for Financing Operations in the African, Caribbean, Pacific, Asian and Latin America Regions, European Investment Bank

2005 to 2009
Head of the “JASPERS” (Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions) Project Preparation/Technical Assistance Programme (in conjunction with EBRD, KfW and the EU Commission), European Investment Bank

2000 to 2005
Head of the Western Balkans and Turkey Division, European Investment Bank

1995 to 2000
Head of the Mashreq Division, European Investment Bank

1992 to 1995
Lending Operations in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Territories, European Investment Bank

1986 to 1992
Loan Officer, Lending Operations in the former FSRY (Yugoslavia) and Turkey, plus Cyprus and Malta, European Investment Bank

1983 to 1986
Monitoring Department of the Directorate for Operations outside the Community, European Investment Bank