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Ireland achieves best ever score in EU Internal Market Scoreboard

Ireland has achieved its best ever score in the EU Internal Market scoreboard.

Speaking on the publication of the latest figures Lucinda Creighton T.D., Minister for European Affairs said that she ‘welcomed Ireland’s country ranking of 2nd place in the EU, Ireland’s best score to date’. The Minister said it was ‘a significant achievement for Ireland to reach a 0.3% transposition deficit in this scoreboard, well below the 1% target set for all member states.’

Minister Creighton added ‘the single market is one of the core achievements of the EU. It not only provides EU Citizens with the opportunity to live, study, work and do business across the EU but also gives access to a wide variety of competitively priced goods and services. The success of the single market is dependent upon the effective transposition of EU Directives and it is the responsibility of every Member State to ensure they play their part. As the results of this Scoreboard show, Ireland is certainly doing that.’

The Minister concluded that ‘it is very important that we keep up the momentum on transposition of EU Directives in an accurate and a timely manner.’