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Ireland meets 2010 Landfill Directive target

The Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Mr. Phil Hogan T.D., today 1 March 2012, welcomed the publication by the Environmental Protection Agency of the National Waste Report for 2010.

“It is encouraging to see proof that, through the actions of the public and business, supported by those involved in waste management in the public and private sector, Ireland is delivering better environmental management of its waste,” said the Minister. The Minister in particular noted the report’s confirmation of Ireland’s compliance with the Landfill Directive ceiling in 2010. The report showed that Ireland’s municipal waste recovery rate increased in 2010 to 42% (39% in 2009), with the volume of municipal waste going to landfill down 13% on the 2009 figure.

The report also noted that Ireland continued to exceed the EU target for recovery of packaging waste with a rate of 74%, and for the collection of household waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) with a rate of over 8kg per person, more than double the EU target.

“There still remain significant challenges for Ireland in terms of compliance with the Landfill Directive ceilings for 2013 and 2016. I have already clearly signaled through the increases to the landfill levy I announced shortly after coming into office, that our over-reliance on landfill must come to an end and alternative, more sustainable ways of dealing with our waste must be delivered,” the Minister commented. He also said that he would shortly be publishing a new waste policy that would provide the policy certainty which is essential in order to support the further step change that Ireland now needs to make in the move to a more sustainable society, a vital requirement if the return to growth evident in the Irish economy is to endure over the longer term.

Commenting on other aspects of the report, the Minister expressed his disappointment with the motor industry’s performance in relation to its management of end-of life vehicles, with the report detailing a continued failure to meet targets under the relevant directive. “The industry needs to step up its performance in relation to its environmental obligations,“ said the Minister, “and I will be seeking immediate action to address this, both directly with the industry and as part of a full review of the producer responsibility initiative model in Ireland, which I will launch in the coming weeks.”

The Minister concluded by thanking all those involved in the production of the report, which he said provided vital information for the State and all those interested in waste and resource management.