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Ireland votes in favour of Palestinian Observer State Status at the United Nations, Tánaiste Welcomes Decision by UN General Assembly

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore, T.D., has warmly welcomed the adoption of a Resolution by the UN General Assembly this evening to give Observer State status in the UN to Palestine. Ireland voted in favour of the resolution.

"We were proud this evening to join with so many fellow members of the UN in voting in favour of Palestine becoming an Observer State within the UN. Ireland has long-championed the cause of Palestinian statehood, as well as the vital importance for the entire Middle East region of a comprehensive peace settlement based on two states, Israel and Palestine, living side-by-side in peace and security.

"Tonight’s vote represents an important step for the Palestinian people on their path towards full statehood as well as for all those who look forward to the day when Palestine can rightfully take its place as a full member of the United Nations. That day and the necessity for a just and honourable peace deal between Israel and Palestine are long overdue."

"President Abbas has made clear that tonight’s decision will open the way for him, on behalf of the Palestinian people, to return to substantive peace negotiations with Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government. I welcome this commitment which formed an important element in our decision to vote in favour of this Resolution."

"I urge both sides to now return to the negotiation table and to complete that urgent and historic task with which they are both charged. As recent events in Gaza have so sadly underlined, the need for such a peace deal only grows more urgent and pressing with every passing day."


"No one knows better than the Irish people the onerous responsibility which conflict resolution and peace-building entails and the difficult and painful compromises which it is ultimately likely to involve. However, as I stated in my address to the UN General Assembly last September, both President Abbas and Prime Minister Netanyahu can know they will have the unstinting support of the entire international community if they are prepared to take the necessary risks for peace and negotiate a comprehensive peace deal, resolving all core issues."