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Ireland bolsters its commitment to the poorest in the poorest countries - Donohoe

The Government has committed almost €102 million to the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank’s fund for the poorest countries at an international pledging conference in Stockholm. This represents an increase of more than 10 per cent on Ireland’s contribution to the last replenishment round in 2016. The successful replenishment of IDA, totalling $82 billion, was supported by contributions from 52 governments.

Minister for Finance and Ireland’s Governor at the World Bank, Paschal Donohoe, T.D., commented,

Ireland’s increased contribution confirms our committed and continued support for the International Development Association and the world’s poorest and most vulnerable countries. It sends a strong signal of our support for the policy objectives identified under IDA19 which closely align with Ireland's own international development priorities. Ireland has traditionally had a strong commitment to international development and this contribution to IDA, exceeding €100 million for the first time, reflects the ambition expressed in A Better World: Ireland’s Policy for International Development of reaching the furthest behind first. It also recognises the closer engagement between Ireland and the World Bank in recent years.

In the previous replenishments for IDA18, Ireland had pledged €90 million.  Ireland's IDA pledge of almost €102 million, which will be paid over 9 years commencing in 2021 will be credited towards the Government’s commitment to increase development spending to 0.7 per cent of Gross National Income by 2030.