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Ireland ranked 2nd in world for quality of life, 2020 UNDP Index finds

Ireland ranked 2nd in world for quality of life, 2020 UNDP Index finds


The UNDP Human Development Report Index 2020 found Ireland to have the second highest quality of life in the world, ranking number two of 189 countries. 


However, for the first time ever, the Index showed that the world had reversed progress across the three dimensions it measures, a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living. 


Responding to the HDI report, Minister of State for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora, Colm Brophy, T.D. said:


As we approach the centenary of the State, this report is a demonstration that Ireland has much to celebrate.  However, the report also reveals something we know from our transformation - national development is not neat nor linear.  On our journey we have known conflict, hunger and poverty.  


This HDI report is a reminder that too many other countries today face the challenges of conflict, crisis and climate.  Through Ireland’s international development programme, Irish Aid, we are making a tangible difference to the lives of people around the world, helping to improve the quality of life for future generations.




18 DECEMBER 2020



Notes for Editors

  • The Human Development Report (HDR) is an annual report published by UNDP, first produced in 1990. For information on the report and the methodology utilised are available here:
  • Ireland’s development cooperation programme aims to reduce poverty, hunger and humanitarian need, with a particular focus on sub-Saharan Africa. The Government of Ireland’s Development Assistance Report 2019 sets out details of our work in 2019, with a particular focus on gender and women’s empowerment. Further details are available here: