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Ireland to participate in UN Pledging Conference for Yemen

Ireland will today pledge at least €4 million in humanitarian funding for 2018 in response to the crisis in Yemen at a UN Pledging Conference in Geneva. Since 2012, Ireland has provided €16.5 million in humanitarian assistance to Yemen, including €4million in assistance announced in March this year.

Speaking ahead of the conference the Tánaiste said:

“A staggering 22 million Yemenis are in need of humanitarian assistance as country attempts to cope with widespread food insecurity, the largest outbreak of cholera in modern history and the collapse of the economy and social services. Ireland will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Yemen as we have done since the crisis began.


“But we should not lose sight of the fact that this alarming array of problems are all linked to the ongoing conflict. Only a negotiated political settlement can provide lasting relief to the suffering of the people of Yemen. Ireland welcomes the appointment of the new Special Envoy of the Secretary-General, Mr. Martin Griffiths and calls for all parties to engage in good faith with the UN-led process.”

The Tánaiste went on to say:

“I remain deeply concerned by the level of violence in Yemen, and by reports of violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. I condemn in the strongest terms all actions which endanger civilians, including the recent missile attacks on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which killed one person, and the airstrike on the port city of Hodeida yesterday which killed fourteen people, many of them women and children. Ireland has repeatedly called on all parties to the conflict to take every necessary step to ensure the protection of civilians and to comply with international humanitarian law. I take this opportunity to reiterate my call for full and unimpeded humanitarian and commercial access to Yemen, in order to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people.”

Minister of State Cannon added:

“The international community, including Ireland, are gathered in Geneva today for a High-Level Pledging Event to support the humanitarian response in Yemen.  Ireland has already contributed €4 million in March to the UN’s Humanitarian Pooled Fund this year. This fund provides a channel which maximises impact with rapid, flexible funding to those most in need. Ireland will continue to review provision of further funds throughout the year and I would urge other donors to do the same.”