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Irish Aid provides funding for Concern Worldwide to respond to volcano eruption in Democratic Republic of Congo

In response to the volcanic eruptions near Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Minister of State for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora, Colm Brophy, T.D., has announced €117,000 in Irish Aid funding for Concern Worldwide to provide clean water, basic sanitation to reduce the risk of a cholera outbreak in the city, and basic household kits to families that have lost everything.

This funding comes on top of Ireland’s indirect support through the UN and the Start Fund which have collectively allocated over $7 million to the response.

Minister Brophy said:

“When disasters strike, Ireland stands ready to help save lives and protect human dignity. I am pleased to be able to announce this funding to Concern Worldwide, as an expression of the solidarity of Ireland with the people affected by the volcanic eruptions.”



Press Office

22 June 2021


Notes for Editors:


Mount Nyiragongo, considered the most dangerous volcano in Africa, erupted on 22 May near Goma, a city of two million people in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Half a million people were evacuated from the city; those who can are now starting to return. However, five thousand homes were destroyed and water supplies and other critical infrastructures remain critically damaged.


In addition to the funding provided directly to Concern, Ireland is also indirectly contributing through its funding to the United Nations and the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, and the Start Fund which have collectively allocated over $7 million to the response.


Concern Worldwide is the largest Irish international NGO. It works in 23 of the world’s poorest countries, including the Democratic Republic of Congo where it has been present since 1994. In 2021 Irish aid has allocated over €27 million to Concern Worldwide in support of its live saving work.