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January price monitoring reveals cost of residential waste collection stable for many, edge higher for some

Flat-rate services decline slightly

How the report is prepared and compiled

A total of 26 service providers are currently being actively mystery shopped on a month-by-month basis across the Irish market.

The latest analysis was carried out during the month of January. The analysis shows there is no single or uniform pricing arrangement for the collection of household waste. Across the 26 service providers, many offer a variety of service offers. In January, there was a decrease in the total number of service offerings across all service providers when compared to the previous month, falling from 45 to 42. For example, two companies ceased offering flat-rate services while one began. A detailed breakdown of those services offerings, including prices is included with this report. 


Range of pricing models available

9 core service price models are available to residential users. This is the same as the previous month and one less than November. 

Examples of the service price models include: Service charge plus per kg weight charge; E-tag, Flat Rate and other options.

The January analysis can be accessed at the following link


Prices broadly stable within the most popular price model

The pricing model most widely available now is the Service-Charge-Including-Weight-Allowance-Plus-KG-Charge-for-Excess-Above-Weight-Allowance model. Availability of this service has grown each month since price monitoring began, increasing from 7 to 13 providers.

Of the13 providers offering this service, prices across 12 did not change when compared to the previous month. One provider increased their monthly service charge from €25 to €26.50. 

Service-charge-plus-charge-per-life-per-bin. Just three companies offer this price model. Compared to the December analysis, two of the providers increased the monthly service charge from €4.17 to €5 and €5.42 respectively.  


Flat-rate services decline

The number of service providers offering flat-rate services declined compared to the previous month (from 9 to 8). 

One company recorded a price drop in this category. The monthly service charge fell from €26 to €24.50. The same company introduced a new E-Tag option. 


About the Price Monitoring Group

The Group was established by the Minister for Communications, Climate Change & Environment, Mr. Denis Naughten, T.D., to monitor the on-going cost of residential waste collection to homeowners across Ireland as the ‘flat-rate structure’ is being phased out.


Composition of the PMG

The group comprises representatives from:

-  Waste Policy & Resource Efficiency Division

-  An economist from the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,

-  A statistician from the Central Statistics Office.

-  Shelfwatch – an independent price monitoring group and

-  Frank Conway, an independent consumer expert.


To date, the PMG has met on six separate occasions: 13th September, 11th October, 14th November, 12th December, 9th January 2018 and 13th February 2018.