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Joint press release following meeting between Pierre Moscovici, Minister for Finance of France, Michael Noonan, Minister for Finance of Ireland and Brendan Howlin, Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform of Ireland

Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform of Ireland

Pierre Moscovici, Minister for Finance of France, Michael Noonan, Minister for Finance of Ireland and Brendan Howlin, Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform of Ireland, met today (18th January 2013) in Dublin in order to have a broad discussion of the current economic and financial issues while Ireland takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the next six months.

As the economic situation in Europe remains vulnerable despite the stabilization of the euro zone crisis, the Ministers agreed that the return of growth must be put at the heart of the European priorities in the coming months.

They share the goal of completing the implementation of the EU banking union as soon as possible and are ready to work together to strengthen the financial regulation at the European level (CRDIV, MIF II and MiFID).

They agreed on the need to reach an agreement on the financial multi year framework 2014-2020 in the coming weeks and to make progress on the economic and taxation agenda during the Irish Presidency. This will include the strengthening of the economic governance by securing agreement with the European Parliament on the so-called Two Pack as well as the establishment of the roadmap to enable further integration of the European Economic and Monetary Union. The Ministers noted that at next week’s Ecofin, the first under the presidency of Minister Noonan, the Council will take a decision to authorise Member States to move ahead under enhanced cooperation in the area of a Financial Transaction Tax.

The Ministers also took note of Ireland’s very strong programme implementation and expressed confidence in the ability of Ireland to return to the path of sustained growth. Finally, the Ministers agreed on the importance of delivering on the 29 June 2012 Heads of State and Government commitment which plays an important part in strengthening Ireland’s position in terms of accessing the financial markets.

Pierre Moscovici also took the opportunity of his visit to Dublin to deliver a speech at the Institute for International and European Affairs, a non partisan think tank, on the policy outlook for France and the European level. He also had a meeting with representatives of French companies active in Ireland.