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Labour Court to Conduct an Examination into Terms and Conditions of Employment in the Mechanical Engineering Building Services Contracting Sector

Labour Court to Conduct an Examination into Terms and Conditions of Employment in the Mechanical Engineering Building Services Contracting Sector

18November 2020

  • Following receipt of a request from two Trade Unions pursuant to Section 14 of the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2015 the Labour Court has today given public notice of its intention to conduct an examination of the terms and conditions applying to workers in the Mechanical Engineering  Building Services  Contracting Sector relating to

(1) rates of remuneration

(2) sick scheme and

(3) pension scheme.


  • This could result in a recommendation from the Court for the making by the Minister of a Sectoral Employment Order which could provide for legally enforceable minimum terms and conditions of employment in the sector.


  • The Court has invited any person wishing to make representations in the form of a written submission to do so by 5.00p.m. on or before 16 December 2020. Any such representations should be sent by post to The Secretary, The Labour Court, Lansdowne House, Lansdowne Road, Dublin 4, or by E-mail to The Court has made clear that representations received after that date shall not be considered.


  • The Court, following receipt of submissions, may after 16 December 2020, decide to convene a hearing of parties appearing to the Court to be interested and desiring to be heard.


Note: The Section 14 request and the Court’s public notice are available on the Court’s website at