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Launch of Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade and Defence report of their review of the Irish Aid programme

Minister of State for the Diaspora and International Development, Ciaran Cannon T.D., today welcomed the publication of the Oireachtas review of Ireland’s international aid programme. The review was undertaken by the Joint committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence.

The report highlights the Committee’s strong support for a continued focus by Ireland on the needs of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. It commends Ireland’s record on untied aid.

Speaking to the members of the Committee at the launch, Minister Cannon said:

“Your report highlights the global challenges we face. As we look to set the priorities for our development funding, so that it is ready for the decade ahead, this report helps set the scene for the articulation of the next generation of policy priorities.

“Your report reminds us of the interconnectedness of our small but complex planet, and Ireland’s role in responding to our neighbours’ challenges, be they in Africa, the Middle East or elsewhere. A secure, settled and prosperous neighbourhood is the best guarantee of our own welfare.”

The report highlights a number of major themes which underline the quality of Ireland’s international engagement and calls for an increase in Irish ODA expenditure. In its conclusions, the Committee makes important and helpful observations on Ireland’s work on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals both internationally and domestically, the balanced use of both bilateral and multilateral channels for disbursing aid; learning lessons from country level experience through Ireland’s long history of engagement with key partners, and ensuring good communication on the aid programme at home.