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Launch of the Civil Service Renewal 2030 Strategy

An Taoiseach, Micheál Martin TD; Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD; Secretary General for Department of the Taoiseach Martin Fraser; and Acting Secretary General for Department of Public Expenditure and Reform David Moloney today (Friday) launched Civil Service Renewal 2030, a new 10-year renewal strategy for the Civil Service.

Developed following an extensive and collaborative consultation process informed by the experience and expertise from across the Civil Service, the strategy is underpinned by a collective commitment to achieve an innovative, professional and agile Civil Service that improves the lives of the people of Ireland through excellence in service delivery and strategic policy development.

Speaking at today’s launch, An Taoiseach said: 

The upheaval of the last 15 months has shown how adaptable and committed our Civil Servants are, and I know that the Civil Service will respond with ambition and creativity to drive economic development and inclusive growth across our society in a post-pandemic Ireland.

I am delighted to launch this new ten-year Civil Service Renewal Strategy today. The commitments set out within CSR2030 are driven by the need to develop a clear direction for the future, while also responding to the challenges of today.

Minister McGrath noted that:

It is important that we take stock of what has been done well to date under my Department's Civil Service Renewal division, and take the learnings from the past to shape how we do things in the future.

We must build on our strengths while tackling head on, any blocks to achieving our vision.The 10 year nature of the new strategy gives us the benefit of strategic foresight while allowing us to be responsive to the issues of the day. "The Ireland of 2030 may look very different to the Ireland of today, so by setting our key priorities over a 10-year period, we align ourselves very strongly with our vision of an innovative, professional and agile Civil Service that improves the lives of the people of Ireland through excellence in service delivery and strategic policy development.” Civil Service Renewal 2030 highlights the need for proactive measures when it comes to tackling the significant challenges posed by ongoing changes to our natural environment. It commits the Civil Service to significantly stepping up its climate commitments to tackle climate breakdown, and notes the leadership role the Civil Service has in taking early action to achieving Ireland’s decarbonisation goals.

This strategy will build on the successful initiatives delivered by the first Civil Service Renewal Plan while identifying areas for improvement and opportunities to re-imagine aspects of the systems currently in place.

Speaking at the event, Secretary General Martin Fraser noted: 

We have achieved many things since the Civil Service Renewal Plan was launched in 2014, but, as always,there is more to do. Like all progressive organisations, the Civil Service has scope to continuously improve. "COVID-19 has required us to alter our established ways of working and to find new ways to support the needs of the Government, the Irish public and our stakeholders.

This 10-year strategy will encompass three 3-year strategies, the first of which is due for publication later in 2021. A number of mechanisms will underpin the approach to monitoring and evaluating their progress and implementation, including progress reports and stringent governance placed to provide strategic oversight of the 3-year plan cycles.

Closing today’s launch event, Acting Secretary General David Moloney noted that:

Transformation across the Civil Service is a continuous process. This strategy sets out a clear direction for the future, while responding to today’s dynamic environment. CSR2030 is positioned to deliver meaningful outcomes for society, and to measure tangible results.


The full strategy document and additional supplementary information is available at


Notes for Editors:

Civil Service Renewal 2030

The Civil Service Renewal Plan launched in October 2014 set out a vision for the Civil Service - achieving the best possible results for Government, a better service for customers and a better place to work for staff. It built on the strengths of the Civil Service to ensure it has the capacity and capability it needs to meet challenges and to deliver an excellent service to the state and the public. The Renewal Plan delivered a more Professional, Responsive, Open and Accountable, and Unified Civil Service.

Civil Service Renewal 2030 is an ambitious 10-year strategy of reform for the Civil Service. It is underpinned by a collective commitment to achieve our vision of ‘‘An innovative, professional and agile Civil Service that improves the lives of the people of Ireland through excellence in service delivery and strategic policy development.”

The Strategy will be implemented through a series of 3-year action plans. These action plans will detail the precise goals and initiatives which will progress each of our strategic priorities. Our progress on the commitments within these action plans will be continuously measured, evaluated, and reported on.

Civil Service Renewal 2030 was collaboratively developed, and it will be collaboratively delivered. A shared responsibility of all civil servants to own the commitments within this Strategy will make our Civil Service Renewal 2030 vision a reality.