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Legislation to allow members of secular bodies to perform legal civil marriages is passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas - Minister Burton

The Minister for Joan Burton, T.D. today (Thursday, 20th December 2012) announced that the Civil Registration (Amendment) Bill 2012 has now passed all stages by both Houses of the Oireachtas. The Bill which will allow members of secular bodies to perform legal civil marriages, will now be prepared to go to the President, Michael D. Higgins for his approval and signature.

The Civil Registration Act 2004 provides for a register of solemnisers, who may be either registrars employed by the HSE or members of religious bodies, who are authorised under law to solemnise marriages in the State. The purpose of the Civil Registration (Amendment) Bill 2012 was to include a third category of solemniser i.e. members of secular bodies.

Commenting on the Bill, Minister Joan Burton said: "It is clear that many of our citizens wish to celebrate their commitment to each other through a non-religious marriage ceremony. Out of the 19,828 marriages held in 2011, a total of 5,769 were civil ceremonies. This represents 29% of all marriages that year and compares to a figure of 6% of marriages in 1996."

The Bill amends the definitions as contained in section 45 of the Civil Registration Act 2004 to provide for applications from secular bodies, provided they fulfil a set of criteria. In essence, the body must be:-

- an organised group of people;

- have a membership of not fewer than 50 people;

- the principal objects of the body must be secular, ethical and humanist;

- members of the body must meet regularly in relation to their beliefs and in furtherance of the objects;

- any rules of the body regarding marriage must not contravene the law;

- there must be appropriate procedures around the selection, training and accreditation of solemnisers;

- it must be in existence continually for at least 5 years on the date of making an application;

- it must have charitable tax exemption for at least 5 years as evidenced by an entitlement to an exemption under section 207 or 208 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997;

- it must not have the making of profit as one of its principal objectives; and

- it must maintain a register of its members.


In addition, certain types of organisations are deemed, for the purposes of the Bill, not to be secular bodies. These are Chambers of Commerce, organisations that are political, sporting/athletic, trade union/representative in nature and bodies that promote purposes that are unlawful, are contrary to public policy or morality, in support of terrorism or terrorist activities or for the benefit of an organisation of which membership is unlawful.

Minister Burton concluded by saying: "The proposal to include members of secular bodies in the register of solemnisers is one I support and I am delighted to have obtained the support of my colleagues in Cabinet for this proposal. Marriage is an important and valuable institution in Ireland. This Bill when enacted enhances the institution of marriage by acknowledging and legislating for people whose beliefs are not religious but rather secular, ethical and humanist and who wish to celebrate their wedding day in a manner that is most meaningful to them."



Note for Editor

A list of bodies who are currently authorised under law to solemnise marriages in the State follows.


Register of bodies authorised to solemnise marriages include:

Abundant Grace Christian Assembly

Abundant Life Christian Centre

Amish Mennonite Community Ltd

Arann Reformed Baptist Church

Armenian Orthodox Church

Assemblies of God Ireland

Assembly of God Ireland

Association of Independent Christan Churches

Babul-ul-Ilm Society

Baha'i Community

Bantry Christian Fellowship

Baptist Church

Blanchardstown Baptist Church

Bridge Christian Community

Bridgetown Gospel Hall


Calvary Chapel Cork

Calvary Church Wexford

Calvary Cork

Carlow Bible Church

Chinese Gospel Church

Chinese Gospel Church Dublin

Christ Healing Evangelical Church

Christian Brethren

Church of Ireland

Church Of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints

Congregational Union of Ireland

Cootehill Christian Fellowships

Cornerstone Christian Church

Donnybrook Church

Donnybrook Pentecostal Church

Dublin Vineyard Church

Dublin West Community Ch

Dun Laoghaire Evangelical Church

Elim Ministries

Ennis Evangelical Church

Free Presbyterian Church

Gorey Christian Assembly

Grace Christian Fellowship

Grace Fellowship

Great Hope Gospel Ministries

Greek Orthodox Church

Healing Streams Christian Renewal Centre

The Redeemed Christian Church of God

Hillside Evangelical Church

Hope and Glory Christian Ministries

Islamic Community


Jehovahs Witnesses

Jewish Community

Islamic Community


Jehovahs Witnesses

Jewish Community

Kingdom Dominion Christian Church Limited

Knocklyon Church of Christ

Lifegate Bible Baptist Church

Life Renewal Ministries International

Listowel Christian Fellowship

Lurganearly Hall

Lutheran Church

Mallow Street Christian Fellowship

Methodist Church

Monaghan Gospel Hall

Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries

Mountain View Community Church

Mullingar Christain Fellowship

Nazarene Community Church

Newbridge Bible Fellowship Church

Newcastle West Bible Fellowship

New Life Inrernational Ministries

North Down Christian Fellowship Church

Oratory Society

Order of Marian Apostles

Pagan Federation Ireland

Plumbline Ministries

Presbyterian Church

Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland

Religious Society Of Friends

Riverside Gospel Hall

Roman Catholic Church

Romanian Orthodox Church

Seventh Day Adventist Church

Shanganagh Bible Church (Plymouth Brethern)

Society of St Pius X

Solid Rock Church of God

Soul Winning Pentacostal Ministries

Soul Winning Pentecostal Ministries

South City Church

South Hill Evangelical Church

Spiritualist Union of Ireland

The Association of Independent Christian Churches

The Bride Christian Fellowship

The First Six Principle Baptist Church of Ireland

The Gospel Hall Skibbereen

The Lighthouse Baptist Church

The Oratory Society

The Redeemed Christian Church of God

The Redeemed Evangelical Mission

The Salvation Army

The Society of St. Pius X

Tower of Power International Ministries

Tralee Christian Fellowship Church

Tramore Bible Church

Transfiguration Christian Centre

Trinity Church Network

Unitarian Church

Victory Christian Centre

Victory Christian Church

Victory Outreach

Victory Outreach Church

Word of Victory Church

World Outreach Christian Centre