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Lonely Planet accolade highlights success of Wild Atlantic Way, but we can’t rest on our laurels – Ring

The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring TD has today (15th August 2017) welcomed the inclusion of the Wild Atlantic Way on the Lonely Planet’s list of the world’s greatest drives. Minister Ring also said that there is still a significant amount of work to be done in order to fully realise the potential of the project.

“The inclusion of the Wild Atlantic Way on the Lonely Planet’s list of the world’s greatest drives illustrates the great success of this tourism initiative and everyone involved deserves congratulations. However I would caution against any complacency creeping in in relation to the roll out of this scheme”.

“There is still a huge amount of work to be done to bring this project to fruition and local authorities, local communities, the Government and Fáilte Ireland can’t lose sight of this. It’s important to remember that the rollout of this vast project was always scheduled to take place over ten years and we are only five years into it.

“The Wild Atlantic Way has been a tremendous tourism development for rural Ireland and brought tourists into areas that hadn’t seen visitors for many years. It has also enhanced people’s experience of Ireland and with it our reputation as a must visit destination for travellers.

“But there is still a huge amount of work to be done to make sure that the Wild Atlantic Way builds on and sustains its reputation for excellence. For example, there are not enough laybys in place where tourists can exit the road safely in order to enjoy a beauty spot. 

“As the Lonely Planet accolade illustrates, we are involved in a highly competitive, global tourism market. If we don’t realise the potential of this project or allow our standards to drop, we may be overlooked when the list of the world’s greatest drives is updated in five years’ time.

“As Minister for Sport and Tourism, I was responsible for the rollout and promotion of the Wild Atlantic Way and the Gathering. Working with Fáilte Ireland, we took what were then just concepts to the communities involved. There were no shortage of doubt about the projects at many levels but crucially, we had the support of the communities involved.

“We need to create more success stories like The Wild Atlantic Way. As Minister for Rural and Community Development, I am determined to support ideas and initiatives which will improve lives for rural communities and make rural life better and more sustainable, just as the Wild Atlantic Way has done.

“I absolutely echo the Taoiseach’s commitment to building a Republic of Opportunity which ensures that all parts of Ireland share prosperity and economic growth. There is another success story like The Wild Atlantic Way waiting to happen, and this Government will do its best to ensure it succeeds.”