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McConalogue announces high uptake of RDP Scheme Extensions

High uptakes of GLAS, Organics and BDGP

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D., announced today that the vast majority of farmers in the Green Low Carbon Agri-environment Scheme (GLAS) and the Organic Farming Scheme (OFS) have applied to extend their contracts for 2021. The deadline for applications was 31st December.

The Minister also noted a high uptake to date in the replies to date on the extension of contracts under the Beef Data Genomics Programme (BDGP) which closes on 15th January next.

The uptake as of this morning (Tuesday 5th January 2021) is that:

  • 98% of GLAS I and II participants responded by the deadline and of these, 98% applied to continue in the scheme for an additional year (2021)
  • 97% of OFS participants responded by the deadline and of these, 97% applied to continue in the scheme for an additional year (2021)
  • 52% of BDGP participants have responded to date and of these 97% have applied to continue in the scheme for 2021 (Note: the deadline for application for extension of BDGP contracts is 15th January 2021).

Noting the high level of interest in remaining in the schemes, the Minister added, “As I’ve said previously, these three schemes play an important role in Irish agriculture, notably in our climate, organic and sustainable beef production agendas. I am pleased to see the significant numbers who are going to continue to participate in the schemes in 2021 while the new CAP is being finalised.  I considered that it was important to maintain continuity during this interim period and am glad to see that so many have availed of the opportunity to extend their contracts for 2021. I also wish to remind those participants in BDGP who have not replied to date that the deadline for their responses is 15th January 2021.”

Note for Editors:

Note on extension of contracts of GLAS, OFS and BDGP


Farmers with GLAS 1 or 2 contracts which expired at 31 December 2020 were offered an extension of 1 year.

Organic Farming Scheme

Farmers with Organic Farming Scheme contracts which expired at 31 December 2020 were offered an extension of 1 year.


  • Letters issued to the relevant farmers from week beginning 14th December 2020 offering them the opportunity to apply for a further year in BDGP.
  • The application process is open to the 15th January 2021 and the relevant information is included in the letters which issued to farmers.
  • Farmers may apply by logging in to
  • Any queries should be sent to the Beef Schemes Division who may be contacted at Tel. 0761 064423 or by email to