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McConalogue Confirms Publication of Ireland’s Draft 2023-2027 CAP Strategic Plan

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD, today confirmed that Ireland’s draft CAP Strategic Plan for the period 2023-2027, which was submitted to has been European Commission has now been published.

Minister McConalogue commented: “I am delighted to confirm that the full draft CAP Strategic Plan has now been published on my Department’s website and has been shared with stakeholders through the CAP Stakeholder Consultative Committee. 

"The European Commission has commenced assessment of the draft Plan and will engage with officials of my Department on the details over the coming months, with a view to final approval later this year. I look forward to receipt of the Commission’s initial observations letter in this regard, which is expected around the end of March. We will continue to engage with stakeholders as the process evolves over the coming months, including through the Consultative Committee, and through public meetings and information sessions.”

The Minister also thanked his Department and Government colleagues for their support in developing the draft Plan to its current stage. 

Minister McConalogue pointed to the agreement reached with  his colleague, Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Michael McGrath, on the national co-financing of the Plan as well as the roles played by Ministers of State Pippa Hackett and Martin Heydon throughout the process. 

The Minister said: “This is a farmer-friendly and fair CAP deal that is better funded than its predecessor. The funding agreed represents a significant increase on the existing Rural Development Programme, with a total support package of €9.8 billion over the 2023-2027 period. This is being targeted in particular at measures designed to achieve improved climate and environmental outcomes, while at the same time ensuring the fairest and most balanced treatment possible for all farmers. This is real money to real farm families."


Note for Editors

The plan is available at the following link: