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McConalogue meets CAP Stakeholder Consultative Committee

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, T.D. today met the CAP Post-2020 Stakeholder Consultative Committee for the first time, and provided an update on recent developments in the ongoing reform negotiations.


Speaking following the meeting with stakeholders from across the agri-food sector, as well as environmental groups, NGOs, academics and other Government Departments, Minister McConalogue stated,

I really appreciate the time and effort that all stakeholders are putting into the work of the Consultative Committee. The Committee has a key role to play in ensuring effective stakeholder involvement in the CAP reform process.


During the meeting, the Minister updated the Committee on the German Presidency’s objective of agreeing a Council General Approach on CAP Reform in October. He advised that there are still a number of key elements to be agreed, and intensive engagement is expected at EU level over the coming weeks.


On Monday, the Minister attended his first AgriFish Council of Ministers in Brussels, where discussions focussed on the CAP reform package.  During those discussions the Minister called for a strong green ambition to be maintained in the negotiations.  He said,

The new CAP must ensure better environmental and climate outcomes, built on a common baseline, while also allowing necessary flexibility for Member States.


During his visit to Brussels, Minister McConalogue met with Commissioner designate Mairead McGuinness and a number of Irish MEPs to discuss issues relating to CAP reform.  The Minister also held an important bilateral meeting with Commissioner Wojciechowski to discuss latest developments in the CAP reform process and in relation to the Transitional Regulations.  


Note for editors:

The CAP Consultative Committee involves 27 different stakeholder groups in addition to representatives from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.  Further details on the Committee’s work are available on the Department’s website here