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McConalogue welcomes farmers interest in extending GLAS, OFS and BDGP contracts

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D., today welcomed the strong response rate by farmers to an offer of extension in their contracts under the Green Low Carbon Agri-environmental Scheme (GLAS), the Organic Farming Scheme (OFS) and the Beef Data Genomics Programme (BDGP). These extensions are to offer scheme participants an additional year in the schemes to the end of 2021.

The uptake as of this morning (Tuesday 22nd December) is that:

  • 91% of GLAS I and II participants have responded already and of these, 98% have applied to continue in the scheme for next year
  • 86% of OFS participants have responded and of these 97% have applied to continue in the scheme for next year
  • 48% of BDGP participants have responded and of these 97% these have applied to continue in the scheme for next year (note: this scheme has a later closing date (15th January) than GLAS and OFS (31st December)

Commenting on the response rate so far the Minister commented, “I am delighted by the level of interest shown to date by farmers in extending their contracts under these schemes.”

“The provision of funding in the Budget for the continuation of these schemes for those farmers has been justified by the huge level of uptake.  These schemes are an important income support for farmers as well as helping drive our climate, organic and sustainable beef production agendas.”

“Securing the budget for these critical schemes for 2021 was a key priority of mine and I encourage those who have not responded to date to do so before the respective deadlines. This will give those farmers and my Department certainty going into 2021 as regards meeting scheme requirements and budgetary demand.”

Note for Editors:

Reminder about arrangements for extension of GLAS, OFS and BDGP


Farmers with GLAS 1 or 2 contracts which expire at 31 December 2020 have been offered an extension of 1 year.

  • A letter was posted to each participant on Monday 14th December 2020 advising them of their options and how to apply
  • There are 2 ways in which they may extend their contracts
  1. a) By text message:
  • o A text message issued on Wednesday 16th December 2020 to each participant who is registered with the Department to receive texts, giving the option to reply ‘DAFM Y’ (for Yes) or ‘DAFM N’ (for No).
  • o A 2nd text message issued on Monday 21st December 2020.  Participants again have 72 hours from receipt of the text message to reply.
  1. b) By logging on to

The screen, which went live on Tuesday 15th December 2020, will continue to be available until the deadline; an application may be submitted via agfood by the participant or an agent authorised to act on his/her behalf in relation to GLAS – the options provided are ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

  • Any queries to GLAS section at or to tel 0761-064451
  • Closing date for receipt of their response is 31st December 2020.

Organic Farming Scheme

Farmers with Organic Farming Scheme contracts which expire at 31 December 2020 have been offered an extension of 1 year.

  • A letter to each participant issued on Thursday 10th December 2020 advising them of their options and how to apply.
  • There are 3 ways in which they can extend their contracts
  1. a) By text message: A text message issued on Monday 14th December 2020 to each participant registered with the Department to receive texts, with the option to reply ‘DAFM Y’ (for Yes) or ‘DAFM N’ (for No).

A 2nd text message issued on Monday 21st December 2020.  Participants again have 72 hours from receipt of the text message to reply.

  1. b) By email to advising that they wish to apply for an extension to their Organic Farming Scheme contract.
  2. c) By registered post to Organic Unit, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Johnstown Castle Estate, Co Wexford, Y35 PN52.
  • Any queries to Organic Unit at Tel. 0761-064451
  • Closing date for receipt of their response is 31st December 2020.


  • Letters issued to the relevant farmers from week beginning 14th December offering them the opportunity to apply for a further year in BDGP. Farmers will be able to apply by logging in to , or by replying to a text that will issue from the Department if they are registered to receive texts.
  • The application process will be open from 14th December 2020 to 15th January 2021 and the relevant information is included in the letters which issued to farmers.
  • Any queries to the Beef Schemes Division at Tel. 0761 064423 or email