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McEntee announces opening of two new offices by Forest Enterprises Limited

Shane McEntee, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with responsibility for forestry, officially announced the opening of two new offices by Forest Enterprises Limited and the launch of its new website, at a function at the company’s Headquarters in Lucan, Co. Dublin today.

Forest Enterprises Limited (FEL) was founded in 1990 and specialises in investment forestry, farmer forestry and woodland estate management. The company manages over 24,000 acres of commercial forests and is involved in all aspects of forestry enterprise throughout Ireland. Announcing the opening by Forest Enterprises Limited of new company offices in Kanturk, County Cork and Ballisodare, County Sligo, the Minister welcomed the commitment of the company to provide permanent offices in both areas and its intended increase in staff numbers in 2012 / 2013 as part of its expansion plans.

Commenting on the importance of the forestry sector generally, he said "The Government recognises the importance of the forestry sector and the contribution that it makes to our national economy. Recent research indicates that the overall value of the growing sector within the forest industry (that is, excluding the processing sector) to the Irish economy was €673 million in 2010. Forestry also provides a range of other benefits including rural employment, valuable exports, climate change mitigation, social and recreational benefits and environmental value. It is appropriate therefore that we take the lead in developing the forest industry through the availability of forest grants and premiums to landowners and this was demonstrated by the allocation of almost €112 million to my Department’s forestry development programme for 2012".

As part of his visit to the company’s headquarters, Minister McEntee also formally launched the company’s new website. Among other features, the new website will include an income estimator for those thinking of planting and a thinning tool to help plantation owners work out when plantations are ready for first thinning. Referring to the new website, the Minister said, "I am always pleased to see a new source of information on the forestry sector become available and I wish the company well with this new development".