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Message from Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht on Limerick’s designation as National City of Culture 2014

Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Jimmy Deenihan TD, has extended his best wishes to the city and people of Limerick on the commencement of Limerick City of Culture 2014.

Minister Deenihan commented:

“2014 is an important year for the Treaty City. It is the year in which a new single local authority is established, and it is also the year when Limerick will be the first national City of Culture.

"The designation of Limerick as a City of Culture will help to shape, brand and promote Limerick City and the greater Shannonside region. It will also bring the cultural offerings of Limerick to a national and international audience.

"It is a great honour for Limerick to be designated as the inaugural National City of Culture, and the Government has provided €6 million in funding to support the year. This will give a great boost to the arts in Limerick, and my sincere hope is that every single citizen of Limerick will embrace the experience and take part in the range of events being planned - music and film, theatre, dance and all round entertainment for every age.

"There will also be tourism benefits to be gained from the further promotion of the Mid West’s arts, culture and heritage to overseas and domestic visitors. With the right approach, this will boost business in future years as well as in 2014. Studies of former European Capitals of Culture show that the designation is a valuable one for a city economically with the benefits to business continuing long after the year of culture.

"The importance of arts and culture cannot be understated. The arts help to foster creativity and innovation. Arts and culture are important elements in marketing Ireland. They also enrich our lives - either as a spectator or as a participant.

"I am looking forward to attending many of the events in 2014. I wish Limerick City of Culture 2014 every success, and I would strongly encourage people to visit the city during the year and take part."