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Minister Announces Beef Technology Adoption Programme

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, last night announced the launch of a Beef Technology Adoption Programme, as a key element in driving the ambitious targets for the Beef Sector in Food Harvest 2020. Based on a discussion group model, the programme is intended to provide participants with the knowledge and the skills necessary to reduce costs and increase profit margins on their farms.

While engaging in the discussion groups, participating farmers will be required to develop baseline metrics for their farms in 2011, and develop business plans which will enable them to set targets and track progress over the three years of the programme. Participants will also be required to select two tasks from a menu of eight in each year of the programme, to assist them in improving performance in a number of areas at farm level.

The Minister said that he had made €5 million available in the 2012 estimate for a Beef Technology Adoption Programme, and that subject to funding, his intention was to run the programme over three years. Speaking at the “Teagasc Profitable Suckler Event” in Cillín Hill Mart in Kilkenny, the Minister referred to critical importance of the beef sector: “The beef sector is a critically important part of the social, economic and cultural fabric of Ireland. It is employment rich, and export focussed, and can play an important role in Ireland’s economic recovery.

I have put this very important programme in place because I believe that in order for the sector to reach its development potential, farmers must take steps to improve profitability. This means focussing on better management at farm level, improving breed quality, reducing the negative impact that poor herd health can have on efficiency, and ensuring that we produce the kind of animal that the market requires. I am confident that this programme can provide an important stimulus to normalise on Irish farms the kind of focus on profit that is necessary to make a success of any business enterprise.”

Referring to the prospects for the beef sector, the Minister said that 2011 was an excellent year for the Irish beef industry: “The beef sector had an excellent year in 2011, with a 15% increase bringing the value of exports to €1.8 billion. There is no room for complacency however, particularly given the financial pressure on consumers arising from an extremely difficult global economic environment. There will be challenges ahead.

It is for this reason that a continued focus on producing high quality beef while maintaining competitiveness is critically important for the sector, and of course the industry can only grow and develop if that growth is profitable for the primary producer. This programme can play an important role in ensuring that that is the case.”

Concluding, the Minister said that he was ambitious for the beef sector, and that he was confident that with a positive and collaborative approach from stakeholders, the sector could become a flagship for Ireland in terms of quality, sustainability and efficiency.