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Minister Bruton attends first Action Plan for Jobs Business Forum in Cork

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton T.D., tonight (Monday) attended the first Action Plan for Jobs 2012 Business Forum in Cork City. More than 200 employers, small business people and members of the local business community attended the meeting in the Silver Springs Hotel, which was chaired by Minister Simon Coveney and was also addressed by Ministers John Perry and Sean Sherlock as well as representatives of Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland and the County and City Enterprise Boards.

The purpose of the forum was to outline the Government's plan for job-creation and to hear ideas and feedback from business-people and employers as part of the formulation of Action Plan for Jobs 2013.

Speaking after the Forum, Minister Bruton said:

"Action Plan for Jobs 2012 is the start of a painstaking process to rebuild the economy and protect and create the jobs we so badly need. This Government is determined to build and sustain the momentum by developing and implementing Action Plans in 2013, 2014 and subsequent years until we have turned the economy around and reached our job-creation targets. If we are to do that, we must listen to business-people and employers and hear what measures they need implemented in order to create employment.

"Today in Cork we had well over 200 people and a very healthy and positive discussion on government supports and business-people's experience of job-creation. I look forward to participating in more meetings like this around the country in the coming weeks and months to hear more from the people on the ground creating the jobs as to what more Government can do to help them"