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Minister Burton and Mayor Jones jointly launch South Dublin County Council Social Inclusion Week 2011

Reducing Exclusion, Poverty and Inequality in South Dublin County

The Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton TD and Mayor Caitríona Jones today (7th November) officially launched South Dublin County Council’s 6th Annual Social Inclusion Week.

Speaking at the launch Minister Burton said: "It is very encouraging to see the positive work that is being done to highlight and promote social inclusion and poverty initiatives at local community level. I believe that everyone should be able to experience full and equal participation in society and I commend all of the participating agencies for organising the wonderfully diverse programme of activities planned for the next fifteen days"

South Dublin County Council Social Inclusion Week 2011 will run from the 7th to 21st of November. A wide range of events and activities are planned to celebrate and highlight the very positive work being undertaken not only by South Dublin County Council but also by other public, private and community organisations in attempting to reduce poverty and social exclusion and to raise awareness of social inclusion related issues in South Dublin County.Minister Burton continued: "As 2011 has been designated as the European Year for Volunteering, it is fitting that South Dublin County Council has recognised this by choosing volunteering as the theme for this Social Inclusion Week. Volunteers make a valuable contribution to the wellbeing of our communities and I am delighted to see so many local volunteers present here today. You see what the problems are and you are an integral part of identifying solutions"