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Minister Burton officially opens Phibblestown Community Campus

Joan Burton TD, Minister for Social Protection officially opened the Phibblestown Community Campus in Clonee today (Friday 26th April).

The Phibblestown campus is a new educational model which consists of the community primary school - Scoil Ghráinne, post primary school - Coláiste Pobail Setanta and Phibblestown Community Centre co-located on one campus.

Minister Burton remarked: “I am delighted to be invited here today to see this unique community project at first hand and the fruits of the combined efforts of so many local people. The facility is supported by my Department through participants in the TUS programme who will soon be joined by participants in the JobBridge Internship Scheme and Community Employment Programme. This is indeed an appropriate way for communities to avail of these worthy schemes.”

Scoil Gráinne CNS and Pobalscoil Setanta are under the Patronage of County Dublin VEC and are located on a shared campus in Phibblestown.

The accommodation on the Phibblestown campus includes:

A new 24 classroom Primary School including Special Needs Unit

A new 1000 pupil Post-primary school including Special Needs Unit

A shared Community Facility including an All Weather Pitch under the auspices of Fingal County Council.

The new primary school was occupied in August 2010 and the post-primary school in November 2010. The all-weather pitch and ball-courts were handed over in March 2011 and the overall project was substantially completed in November 2011.