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Minister Burton outlines details of additional 2,500 places on Tús scheme

The Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton T.D. has today (6th February 2013) announced details of the first tranche of additional 1,100 places on Tús – the community work placement initiative.  This announcement will bring to just over 6,000 the total number of placements available on Tús.  The additional allocations form part of the roll-out of 2,500 new placements announced as part of the Budget 2013 measures to underpin the Government’s efforts to support those who are long term unemployed.


This announcement comes as part of the roll out of an additional 10,000 work placements under a number of programmes and initiatives funded by the Department of Social Protection.  Last month the Minister announced an additional 2,500 places for the Community Employment programme bringing the total places available on that programme to 25,300.


Minister Burton said: “This latest allocation for Tús forms part of the Department’s wider efforts to help jobseekers to become job-ready and to find employment, training or an educational opportunity.  More than €1 billion will be spent by my Department this year on a range of interventions for jobseekers to acquire work experiences, skills and qualifications to enable them return to labour market.”


The additional places will target those who have been on the live register for over 12 months and are in receipt of a jobseeker’s payment from the Department of Social Protection.  The remaining places announced in the Budget will be rolled-out on a phased basis during 2013.


Adding that spending has increased, Minister Burton said: “Employment support schemes have been granted additional funds in 2013 and total spending in this area of support for people who are unemployed has increased significantly from €958m in 2012 to €1.045 billion in 2013 with 10,000 additional work placements coming on board as well as additional training and educational opportunities being supported.”


The Minister continued: “Work on developing a job initiative with Local Authorities is progressing and I expect to announce a number of pilot projects with County Councils in the coming months.”  This initiative was also announced in the Budget and will support 3,000 people in work initially.


Priority in this round of Tús placements has been to areas of the country where demand for work placement has been highest and where the local development company is able to deliver the placements quickly.  Tús focuses on keeping a person work ready and providing additional supports to assist them back into the workforce or to pursue other training or educational opportunities.  The duration of placement is limited to 12 months.

Note for Editors


Tús was introduced in July 2011 and to the end of January 2013 some 7,400 people had commenced 12 months’ work with local development companies.  Work placements are provided by community, voluntary and not-for-profit organisations and the local development company matches the skill set of participants to available placements.  At the end of January 2013, 2,119 people had completed 12 month contracts.  The variety of work placements provided reflects the broad nature of services provided by the community and voluntary sector.  All administrative functions are undertaken by the local development company relieving this burden from the host organisation.  Tús has a budget of €96 million in 2013.


Budget 2013

Minister Burton secured additional funding in Budget 2013 for 10,000 additional places across a range of programmes.  JobBridge will receive 2,500 new places (total now available is 8,500), Tús, 2,500 (now 7,500) and Community Employment 2,000 (now 25,300).  A new work placement initiative with local authorities is expected to support 3,000 people when fully operational.


Projected Expenditure on Activation Supports in 2013


 ‘000 2013


Community Employment Programme…. €335,194 €351,550

Rural Social Scheme …. €45,660 €45,000

Tús - Community Work Placement Scheme…. €65,400 €96,200

Job Initiative …. €26,156 €25,100

Community Services Programme …. €45,400 €46,060

Back to Work Allowance …. €127,040 €126,400

National Internship Scheme - JobBridge…. €54,580 €81,760

Back to Education Allowance …. €198,521 €189,300

Other Employment Supports …. €59,702 €84,410

Totals: €957,653 €1,045,780


Allocation of Additional Placements

The additional allocations were determined following consultation with each of the 50 local development companies delivering Tús and taking into account the demand for placements locally.  A total of just over 1,100 placements were awarded to 41 companies in this tranche.


Local Development Company County Additional New allocation

Carlow County Dev. Partnership Ltd. Carlow 40 120

Breffni Integrated Ltd. Cavan 20 100

Clare Local Dev. Co. Ltd. Clare 40 160

Avondhu/Blackwater Partnership Ltd. Cork 20 100

Comhar Chathair Chorcaí Teoranta Cork 20 140

South and East Cork Area Dev. Cork 40 180

West Cork Dev. Partnership Ltd. Cork 40 140

IRD Duhallow Ltd. Cork/Kerry 20 80

Ballyhoura Dev. Ltd. Cork/Limerick 20 100

Donegal Local Dev. Co Ltd Donegal 40 180

Inishowen Dev. Partnership Donegal 20 100

Ballyfermot Partnership Co. Dublin City 20 80

Canal Communities Partnership Dublin City 40 180

South Dublin County Partnership Dublin South 40 180

Southside Partnership DLR Dun Laoire Rathdown 20 200

Fingal Leader Partnership Co. Fingal/Dublin 20 160

Galway Rural Dev. Co. Ltd. Galway 40 180

North and East Kerry LEADER Partnership Teoranta Kerry 20 100

South Kerry Dev. Partnership Ltd. Kerry 20 80

Cill Dara ar Aghaidh Teoranta Kildare 40 220

Kilkenny LEADER Partnership Co Ltd Kilkenny 20 120

Laois Community & Enterprise Dev. Co. Ltd. Laois 20 120

Leitrim Integrated Dev. Co. Ltd. Leitrim 20 80

PAUL Partnership Limerick 20 100

West Limerick Resources Limerick 20 100

Longford Community Resources Longford 20 100

Louth LEADER Partnership Louth 40 220

Mayo North East LEADER Partnership Co. Teo. Mayo 20 120

South West Mayo Dev. Co. Ltd. Mayo 20 100

Údarás na Gaeltachta Mayo/Kerry/Galway/Donegal 20 140

Meath Community Rural & Social Dev. Partnership Ltd. Meath 40 120

Monaghan Integrated Dev. Ltd. Monaghan 20 100

Offaly Integrated Local Dev. Co. Ltd. Offaly 20 140

Roscommon Integrated Dev. Co. Ltd. Roscommon 20 100

Sligo LEADER Partnership Co. Ltd. Sligo 40 120

North Tipperary LEADER Partnership Tipperary 40 100

South Tipperary Dev. Co. Ltd. Tipperary 40 160

Waterford Area Partnership Waterford 20 120

Waterford LEADER Partnership Ltd. Waterford 20 100

Wexford Local Dev. Wexford 20 200

Wicklow Partnership Wicklow 40 140