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Minister Burton supports National Job Shadow Day

Austin Lynch today (Wednesday 20th April 2011) experienced something of what it is to be a Minister when he shadowed Joan Burton, Minister for Social Protection as part of National Job Shadow Day.

Speaking today Minister Burton said: "I am delighted to be participating in National Job Shadow Day. Today, hundreds of people with disabilities throughout Ireland will have the opportunity to shadow a workplace employee as they go through a normal working day in hundreds of employment locations across the country. It gives me great pleasure to be a part of this truly worthwhile initiative and to welcome Austin to work with me in Leinster House today."

Austin, who is shadowing Minister Burton today, works as a general assistant with a major supermarket and he recently won the National Employee of the Year at the Irish Association of Supported Employment Best Practice Awards. Austin has worked in this role for 10 years is noted for being consistently helpful to his colleagues, customers and management. Austin is supported by STEP and City Gate, a Saint John of God community service, which supports people with mild intellectual disabilities.

The Job Shadow Initiative, which is organised by the Irish Association of Supported Employment (IASE) gives people with disabilities the opportunity to Job Shadow in a job of their interest and gain a greater understanding of what is involved in that particular area of work. They also learn about the skills required and employers’ expectations from employees in the work place.

Minister Burton went on to say: "A core belief of the IASE is that people with disabilities including those with significant disabilities should have equal opportunity to have a job. This is a belief which I share and in that context, I want to take this opportunity to mention the Partial Capacity Scheme, which I will introduce at the earliest possible date."

"This scheme will provide an opportunity for people with disabilities, who are assessed to have an employment capacity which is restricted when compared to the norm, to avail of employment opportunities while continuing to receive an income support payment. The Partial Capacity Scheme will be open to people who are in receipt of Invalidity Pension or who have been in receipt of Illness Benefit for a minimum of six months. Participation in the scheme is voluntary and the scheme will be designed in particular to respond to the needs of people who currently seek to avail of ‘exemptions’ in order to take up employment opportunities.

Minister Burton concluded by commending the work of the IASE and of STEP and City Gate. "I particularly want to thank Austin for his assistance today and to wish him every success in the future."

You can hear audio of the Minister speaking about National Job Shadow day below.