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Minister Costello welcomes NGO drive for greater accountability and value for money

Minister for Trade and Development, Joe Costello, TD, today commended Non-Governmental Organisations involved in overseas development for their commitment to delivering effective programmes to assist communities in the developing world.

Minister Costello was speaking at the Dóchas Annual Conference in Dublin which focused on the importance of charity regulation, transparency, and accountability for NGOs engaged in international development.

Minister Costello said:

“Ireland’s overseas aid programme has been recognised time after time, by independent international observers, as one of the most effective and focussed in the world. The development NGO sector has a key role to play in this.

“The recent controversies regarding use of charitable funds in Ireland have eroded public trust in the charity sector. NGOs and all publically-funded organisations are now under increased scrutiny and must demonstrate more than ever that they are effective, accountable and achieving value for money.

“I am confident that the challenge in terms of greater accountability is one for which Irish Aid’s NGO partners are well prepared. Working in partnership with Irish Aid, considerable effort has already been undertaken by development NGOs in recent years to ensure full accountability for the use of public funds.

“As the new charity regulator works to set standards for the sector overall, I urge Irish development NGOs to continue to lead by example in this regard.”

Through Dóchas, Irish Development NGOs and others come together to share their experiences, and to use those experiences to advance more effective ways to end all forms of poverty and injustice. Today’s conference, 'Protecting Public Trust: Preparing the NGO sector for changing times', will focus on the importance of charity regulation, transparency, and accountability of international aid.


Press Office

1 May 2014

Notes to the Editor:

• Irish Aid is the Government’s overseas development programme. It is managed by the Development Cooperation Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

• Dóchas is the Irish Association of Non-Governmental Development Organisations and is the umbrella body for the international development NGO sector.

• Keynote speakers at today’s conference include the Chairman of the Oireachtas Public Accounts Committee, John McGuinness TD, and CEO of the Charities Regulatory Authority, Úna Ní Dhubhghaill.