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Minister Coveney addresses the Cork/Kerry Food Forum 2012

Success of the agri-food sector is built on hard work and a vision to position Ireland with the elite food countries of the world

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD addressed the Cork/Kerry Food Forum on home turf today. He re-affirmed the success that the agri-food sector is experiencing but also cautioned against standing still. He said

"we need to be innovative in order to stimulate business growth and stability and the networking opportunities here today is a great starting point. Well designed networks can assist you to identify new products and trade opportunities".

The Minister went on to say that

"times are difficult but we can be at our most innovative in challenging times."

The Minister also spoke of the Bord Bia led Origin Green sustainability initiative, which was launched by An Taoiseach in June and which gives food companies and producers a route to proving their sustainability credentials. "Sustainable production practices helps to improve efficiency and reduce costs. We need to be more resourceful. Anything that can give you a competitive edge in meeting consumer needs must be grasped hands-on".

Complimenting Bord Bia, the Cork County and City Enterprise Boards, Kerry County Enterprise Board and Cork County Council for coming together to organise such an impressive event the Minister said "you are right to be ambitious when organising this event. Its success will open up new routes for those showcasing and help them navigate their growth journey".

Minister Coveney concluded by saying "products such as those showcased today can deliver a knock-out multiplier impact in terms of value, employment, economic growth and more secure future for Irish society which ultimately is all our goal here today".