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Entrepreneurs participating in joint initiative by Bord Bia, Teagasc and Enterprise Ireland receive support from Institute of Advertising Practitioner

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney T.D. today visited the Guinness Enterprise Centre, Dublin to meet the Food Works entrepreneurs undertaking the final stage of the Food Works initiative. Addressing the eleven entrepreneurs Minister Coveney said

“Entrepreneurship will be a key ingredient of growth. The Irish food and drink industry delivered a record € 9 billion in exports in 2012 and Food Harvest 2020 has identified its long term potential for ‘smart, green growth’. For new food entrepreneurs, however, the volume of market and consumer knowledge, expertise in technology and logistics together with the financial and commercial nous required is huge. Food Works delivers to you the joint support of three agencies - Bord Bia, Teagasc and Enterprise Ireland – in a very concentrated way. The success of your businesses will ultimately be down to yourselves. “

Minister Coveney commended the rigour of the Food Works approach through which the eleven participants had progressed from the initial Plan your Path information sessions, Immerse Yourself to ask probing questions in where the consumer fitted in and whether the plan was viable, Booking Your Place for an 8 week Take Your First Step support programme and to now Begin Your Venture.

Noting the importance of branding of new products and the expertise of the Irish advertising industry , Minister Coveney thanked the Institute of Advertising Practitioners whose members provided creative expertise on a pro bono basis to 11 Food Works participants.


Note for editors

The 11 members of the Institute of Advertising Practitioners who provided one to one creative expertise on a pro bono basis to the Food Works participants are : McCann Dublin, Havas Worldwide, Ogilvy, Leo Burnett, Owens DDB, DDFH&B, Cawley Nea TBWA, Javelin, Irish International and Dark Horse and G K Consulting all provided time on a pro bono basis.