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Minister Coveney & Minister Perry launch Food Works 2013 - A Tasty Opportunity for Irish Food Entrepreneurs

Tuesday 26th March 2013 The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD joined the Minister for Small Business John Perry TD today to launch Food Works 2013, a training and development programme aimed at finding and supporting Ireland’s next generation food entrepreneurs. The programme, jointly run by Bord Bia, Enterprise Ireland and Teagasc, is now recruiting for its second year. According to the organizers, Food Works is open to all determined, ambitious and energetic individuals or companies with an interest in building an international food business and jobs in Ireland.

In 2012, Food Works attracted almost 100 applications. Following a staged competitive process, the Food Works team is currently working with 11 new export-orientated Irish food and drink companies across the dairy, snacks, seafood and beverages sectors. In addition to support from the Irish advertising industry through IAPI, each successful participant has a dedicated business advisor, attends regular workshops with expert speakers and industry peers, has access to Bord Bia’s consumer and market insight, receives feasibility funding from Enterprise Ireland and technical R&D assistance from Teagasc. Although each company is at a unique stage of development, the majority are planning product launches later this year both in Ireland and overseas.

Speaking at today’s event Minister Coveney commented “the Food Works programme was designed with insight and assistance from some of Ireland’s most successful food entrepreneurs. Therefore, it is a targeted programme aimed at identifying and nurturing those with the capacity to create and run a successful export orientated food business. Ireland’s food exports reached a record high of €9 billion in 2012 and it is an exciting time to be involved with the agri-food sector. I would encourage anyone with the enthusiasm and drive to bring a new food product to market, to apply. Ultimately, we want to start a pipeline of new food businesses with the ability to create jobs.”

Minister Perry added “to develop and launch an entirely new food product can be a daunting task; however this programme offers the necessary supports for any entrepreneur considering this move. Successful participants will be given an invaluable range of practical business supports required to develop an initial concept into a winning food product with international appeal. Teagasc is on hand to offer technical expertise; Enterprise Ireland the commercial and business element and Bord Bia, a wealth of marketing and consumer insight.”

For successful participants, available supports will include consumer market research, business plan development, technical advice, commercial viability testing in addition to access to, research and development (R&D) facilities and possible investors. Candidates may apply on an individual basis, as part of a team or a company if it has been in existence for less than 2 years.

Getting Involved

An information day for prospective entrepreneurs will be held at the UCD Michael Smurfit Business School in Dublin on Saturday, 13th April. At this one-day bootcamp, candidates will gain a better understanding of the programme and how to get involved; meet with representatives from Bord Bia, Enterprise Ireland and Teagasc and receive insight and expertise on how to review markets, examine consumer trends and provide technical advice. Interested parties will then be asked to submit a detailed online application before Monday, 29th April.

One-to-one interviews will be conducted in June to select up to 30 successful applicants who will receive one to one coaching; consumer insight consultancy; R&D assistance and a feasibility grant. Following this process, approximately 15 participants will move forward to the final stage to develop an investor ready business plan.

For more information on Food Works 2013 or to register for the information day, visit