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Minister Coveney presents certificates to students of Kildalton Agricultural College

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney, TD presented certificates to graduates of Teagasc further education programmes at an awards ceremony in Kildalton College, Piltown, Co. Kilkenny on Friday 16


of November.


Kildalton is one of the leading agricultural colleges in the country providing a wide range of further education courses in Agriculture, Horticulture, Equine Studies and Agricultural Machinery. It is also involved in higher education provision in partnership with Waterford Institute of Technology. Over 400 students enrolled in further education courses at the College in 2012.


The Minister congratulated the 315 participants in agriculture, equine and horticulture who graduated at the ceremony. Speaking at the event, the Minister said "The students graduating here tonight illustrate the tremendous dedication and commitment of staff at Kildalton College to agricultural education and training. I am impressed by the range and number of educational courses, the extensive facilities and the excellent teaching expertise that are available to students of Kildalton College". Minister Coveney welcomed the expansion in demand for Teagasc courses and praised the Teagasc education service for continuing to work tirelessly to provide a modern programme in agricultural education to the farming sector at a time of increased demands on resources.


Note for Editors

Teagasc is state agency responsible for the delivery of education, research and advisory services to the agriculture and food sector. They are the main provider of further education course in agriculture, food, horticulture, forestry and equine studies through a network of 7 Agricultural Colleges, regional education centres and local offices.