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Minister Creighton to present a mid-term review of the Irish Presidency at the European Parliament

In addition to the official visit of President Higgins to Strasbourg to address the European Parliament on Wednesday, this week’s plenary session will be a busy week for the Presidency, with Minister of State Creighton representing the Council in a number of important debates

On Tuesday morning, Minister Creighton will participate in the debate on the agreement reached last month between the Presidency and the Parliament on new rules to strengthen European banks (CRDIV) ahead of the Parliament’s formal vote on the issue.

“The Presidency’s agreement with the Parliament on CRDIV is a major step towards better regulation of the financial services industry and a fundamental building block of banking union. I look forward to hearing MEP’s views on this issue, as well as on the other important topics on this month’s agenda, including progress on the enlargement process in Croatia, Turkey, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo.”

On Tuesday afternoon, Minister Creighton will appear before the Conference of Committee Chairs to present a mid-term review of the progress made by the Irish Presidency.

“I am also happy to be meeting with the Chairs of Committees to discuss the progress of the Irish Presidency at this mid-point stage. While we have had a number of notable successes such as on CRDIV, this week’s meeting will be an opportunity to identify areas where we need to work intensively with the Parliament to ensure that we meet our programme objectives for the remaining 11 weeks of the Presidency.”

In a busy day for the Presidency in plenary on Wednesday, Minister Creighton will participate in key debates on the Constitutional situation in Hungary and on the current situation in Cyprus. The Minister will also speak in the debate on multi-annual fisheries management plans and in several debates on the progress of enlargement.

Also, as part of the week-long “Les Journées d’Irlande” event taking place in Strasbourg this week and organised by the European Parliamentary Association (APE), Minister Creighton spoke at the launch event on Monday evening.


Note to Editors:

Minister Creighton's programme available here: