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Minister Deenihan Condemns Removals of 15th Century Window Frame from Medieval Church and Facing Stone for a Gun Loop from Bawn at Lake Garadice, Co. Leitrim

Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Mr Jimmy Deenihan TD, has condemned the removals of a carved fifteenth century limestone window from the gable of a medieval church on Church Island, Lake Garadice, Co. Leitrim and of an outer facing stone from a gun loop in the tower of a bawn on neighbouring Crane Island (also known as Slasher’s Island).

The disappearances were reported to the Minister’s Department and archaeologists from the National Monuments Service have inspected the damage to the church and bawn, both of which are protected monuments under the National Monuments Acts. The incidents have been reported to An Garda Síochana.

The window is a significant part of the medieval church structure on which conservation works have been undertaken in recent years by the Ballinamore Development Association and the Everan Foundation, with the co-operation of Coillte and the support of grant-aid from Leitrim County Council, the Heritage Council of Ireland and contributions from members of the Breifne Historical Society.

Minister Deenihan said he was concerned about the fate of the missing window and the stone and has appealed to any person with information about the items to contact An Garda Siochána.

Minister Deenihan commented:

"I am shocked by the damage and destruction to these important monuments and would appeal to the public to come forward with any information which may be of assistance in locating the items. Many monuments like the church and bawn at Lake Garadice are located in some of the most remote parts of the country and the assistance of local communities is crucial in aiding my Department in their protection."

The Minister appealed to anyone with any knowledge of the incidents to contact the Gardai in Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim, Tel 071 9620021 or his Department’s National Monuments Service at 01 8882169.