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Minister Deenihan invites local people to have their say – Brú na Bóinne World Heritage Site Management Plan

Minister  for  Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Jimmy Deenihan TD has today

(Wednesday  11th  May,  2011)  invited  local  people  and other interested

parties  to  have their say in the preparation of a new management plan for

the famous World Heritage Site at Brú na Bóinne.

The  first  Brú na Bóinne World Heritage Site Management Plan was published

in  December  2002. “That Plan set out the parameters for the management of the World Heritage property dealing with issues surrounding the protection, conservation,   research,   presentation  and  general  management  of  the property” said the Minister.

Brú  na  Bóinne  was  inscribed  on  the World Heritage List in 1993. To be

inscribed  on  this prestigious List the heritage property must demonstrate

Outstanding  Universal  Value  ie.  the best example of a heritage property

from an international perspective.

Minister   Deenihan   said   that   a   Steering  Committee  comprising  of

representatives  of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, the

Office  of  Public Works, Louth and Meath County Councils, other bodies and

the Group Representing Local Interests has been established.

Minister  Deenihan went on to say “the new plan will update the strategy to

conserve  and  manage  the  World  Heritage Site. It will also address such

matters  as  visitor  management and public awareness, research, education,

nature  conservation,  liaison  with  the  local  community and sustainable

tourism.  I  encourage  all interested parties to avail of this opportunity

and engage in this process.”

A  consultation  paper  and  a draft framework document for the plan can be

found on the World Heritage Ireland website

The closing date for receipt of submissions is 5pm on Friday 8 July 2011.