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Minister Deenihan launches History Ireland Hedge School

Friday, 28th March 2014 - Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, will this evening launch the History Ireland Hedge School in the Seanchaí – Kerry Writers’ Museum, Listowel, County Kerry.

Held in conjunction with Century Ireland and supported by the Department of Arts, Heritage & the Gaeltacht the History Ireland Hedge School will cover the topic ‘Before Banna: politics, society & sport in Kerry 1912-1916.’ The round table discussion will involve Tommy Graham, editor of History Ireland and leading historians in Dr. John Borgonovo, history lecturer at UCC, Richard McElligott, author of ‘Forging a Kingdom: the GAA in Kerry 1884-1934’, Padraig Óg Ó Ruairc of the OPW and author of three books on this period of Irish history, and Tim Horgan, co-editor of ‘The Men Will Talk To Me: Kerry interviews by Ernie O’Malley’.

Speaking ahead of this evening’s launch event, Minister Deenihan commented: “I'm delighted to be working with History Ireland, to be bringing Hedge Schools and other themes related to the Decade of Centenaries around Ireland – and particularly interested in tonight’s theme as the role of Kerry in that period cannot be underestimated.”

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