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Minister Deenihan launches new €5 million Built Heritage Jobs Leverage Scheme

· €5 million public funding to be matched with €5 million from private sources

· Scheme aims to have major positive impact on national stock of heritage buildings, whilst supporting employment in all parts of Ireland

The Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Mr Jimmy Deenihan TD, has launched a new fund of €5 million - the Built Heritage Jobs Leverage Scheme - for the repair and conservation of protected structures.

This fund will support a significant number of projects on protected buildings across the country, and will generate employment in the conservation and construction industries and specialist trades.

The Built Heritage Jobs Leverage Scheme will encourage the investment of private capital through the provision of matching public funds in a large number of small-scale, labour-intensive projects across Ireland. The aim of projects will be to repair and conserve historic structures while supporting the employment of skilled and experienced conservation professionals, craftworkers and tradespeople.

Funding awards made under the scheme will be between €2,500 and €15,000 with applicants matching in full the grants being awarded. Minister Deenihan is today announcing the allocation that will go to each local authority.

Minister Deenihan commented:

“There are about 50,000 protected structures in Ireland. Thousands of people live in historic buildings. Therefore, I am pleased to announce such a significant investment in Ireland's built heritage.

"Our historic built environment contributes to the vitality of our cities, towns, villages and countryside. It add to our tourism product. And, it also makes a significant contribution to economic prosperity by providing direct and indirect employment in specialist construction and conservation work.

"This scheme is a major financial boost for heritage structures. The €5 million in public funds is designed to be matched by a further €5 million from private sources, making a real and positive impact on protected buildings across Ireland whilst also generating employment in the construction and skilled crafts and trades.

"During the crisis, built heritage lost more than 90% of its budget. This allocation of €5 million from the National Lottery sale is an absolutely crucial investment in our heritage buildings. I want this scheme to leverage significant private investment to deliver a much-needed boost for heritage buildings, and for jobs in construction and skilled crafts and trades."

Details of the operation of the scheme, and the allocations being made to each local authority, are below.

Allocation of Funding under BHJLS 2014

Local Authority Number of Structures on RPS Pop 2011 Allocation

Carlow County Council 665 55000 €100,000

Cavan County Council 423 73000 €87,000

Clare County Council 848 117000 €121,000

Cork County Council 2869 400000 €290,000

Cork City Council 1141 119000 €140,000

DLRD County Council 2070 206000 €211,000

Donegal County Council 419 161000 €100,000

Dublin City Council 8914 528000 €692,000

Fingal County Council 793 274000 €140,000

Galway County Council 812 175000 €127,000

Galway City Council 586 76000 €98,000

Kerry County Council 1173 146000 €146,000

Kildare County Council 1297 210000 €163,000

Kilkenny County Council 1150 95000 €137,000

Laois County Council 927 81000 €121,000

Leitrim County Council 302 32000 €71,000

Limerick County Council 1595 135000 €171,000

Limerick City Council 435 57000 €86,000

Longford County Council 536 39000 €90,000

Louth County Council 1486 123000 €162,000

Mayo County Council 545 131000 €103,000

Meath County Council 1422 184000 €167,000

Monaghan County Council 646 60000 €100,000

Offaly County Council 1413 77000 €151,000

Roscommon County Council 568 64000 €95,000

Sligo County Council 699 65000 €104,000

South Dublin County Council 544 265000 €123,000

Tipperary North County Council 1267 70000 €141,000

Tipperary South County Council 1232 88000 €141,000

Waterford County Council 932 67000 €119,000

Waterford City Council 922 47000 €115,000

Westmeath County Council 722 86000 €108,000

Wexford County Council 1417 145000 €161,000

Wicklow County Council 780 137000 €119,000

41550 4588000 €5,000,000


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Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, supporting the Gathering Ireland 2013. Go to and Be Part of it!

Notes to Editors

The scheme seeks to encourage the leveraging of private capital to invest in a number of small-scale, labour-intensive projects to repair and conserve structures protected under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and in certain cases, for the conservation of structures within Architectural Conservation Areas, and to support the employment of skilled and experienced conservation professionals, craftworkers and tradespeople.

The scheme will operate through 2014 and will be administered by the local authorities with a fixed amount of funding allocated to each local authority. The minimum award of funding available under this scheme will be €2,500 up to a maximum of €15,000. Successful applicants will be required to fully match the funding awarded.

Further information, including a circular outlining the details of the scheme (BHJLS 13/1), together with application forms, are available on the website of each local authority. Please contact the relevant planning section or architectural conservation officer in your local authority with any queries regarding this scheme. The closing date for applications to the scheme is 14 February 2014.