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Minister Fitzgerald announces the publication of 2,530 pre-school inspection reports online

Minister Fitzgerald updates Dail on Pre-School Quality Improvements

2,530 pre-school inspection reports now published online

€0.5 million in 2014 allocated for recruitment of further early years inspectors

€2.5 million in 2014 to support new National Quality Support Service

New system of statutory registration of early years services commencing 2014

Pre-prosecution enforcement functions for early years inspectors and increased penalties

Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children & Youth Affairs, has tonight outlined to Dail Eireann the progress made to by her Department and the newly created Child and Family Agency in implementing the Pre-School Quality agenda.

The Minister said: “As of today, there are 2,530 pre-school inspection reports now online on the Pobal website. I promised to publish the inspection reports last year and I am delivering on that promise. I am advising parents to access these reports and where they are not online to ask childcare providers for copies of the inspection reports. Parent power is important in this area and all good providers will make sure their reports are available to parents when asked.”

The Minister said that delivering on improvements in pre-school quality standards and staff qualifications was a critical aspect of the early years programme. “My department’s additional expenditure in pre-school quality this year represents a significant investment in the pre-school sector of €4.5 million.

“The focus in the past has been on bricks and mortar of childcare facilities. Now it is essential that we invest in supporting the people who make up the staff of these facilities or to improve quality standards.”

An estimated €260 million will be expended by the Department of Children & Youth Affairs on early years programmes. This increased investment by government will preserve the universality of the free pre-school year.

The Growing Up in Ireland study indicated that one in four parents who availed of the free preschool year said they would not have been able to send their child to preschool had it not been for the scheme. This figure rose to more than one in three among more disadvantaged families.

“Delivering improvements in pre-school quality standards and staff qualifications is an absolute prerequisite to any further extension of universal childcare provision, including any proposal to introduce a second free pre-school year”.

The minister also announced ongoing recruitment by the Child and Family Agency of early years inspectors to fill five current vacancies.

She said that an allocation of €0.5 million in 2014 would facilitate the recruitment of further early years inspectors and strengthening of the national inspection services. An allocation of €2.5 million in 2014 would support the establishment of a new National Quality Support Service.

The enactment, through the Child and Family Agency Act 2013, of amendments to the Child Care Act 1991, allows for the introduction of statutory registration of early years’ service and the introduction of pre-prosecution enforcement functions for early years services and increased penalties on foot of convictions at the District Court.

A new system of statutory registration of early years services and the announced increase in qualification requirements for early years staff commences in 2014.