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Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Welcomes the Establishment of the Child and Family Agency

The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald TD, today

(31 December, 2013) announced that the Child and Family Agency will

commence operation with effect from 1 January, 2014. The Agency will assume

responsibility for a range of services, including:

Child Welfare and Protection Services, including family support services

currently delivered by the HSE’s Children and Family Services;

Existing Family Support Agency responsibilities;

Existing National Educational Welfare Board responsibilities;

Pre-school Inspection services;

Domestic, sexual and gender-based violence services;

Community-based services related to the psychological welfare of

children and families.

Minister Fitzgerald said “The 2011 Programme for Government committed to

fundamentally reforming the delivery of child protection services by

removing responsibility for child welfare and protection from the HSE and

by creating a dedicated Child Welfare and Protection Agency. It also

committed to reforming the model of service delivery and improving

accountability to the Dáil. In this context the establishment of the Agency

is a concerted response to critical systemic failures in delivering

services to vulnerable children, evidenced in a number of reports over

recent years. It has also presented the opportunity to further reform how

services to children and families can be delivered into the future.”

The range of responsibilities outlined above will contribute to the

achievement of the overall vision for the Agency, which is seeking to bring

about greater integration of services for children and families and a more

consistent focus on early intervention and community engagement.

The Minister said: “The establishment of the Agency represents the most

comprehensive reform of child protection, early intervention and family

support services ever undertaken in Ireland. It is very ambitious, and I am

keen to see the Agency discharge its new remit to the highest possible

standard. The bringing together of some 4,000 staff and an operational

budget of approximately €600m has been the outcome of detailed preparatory

work by the Secretary General and staff of my Department together with

Gordon Jeyes and his management team and also extensive legislative work to

establish the Agency over many months in the Dail and Seanad.

The Minister continued: "The setting-up of this Agency will mean that for

the first time child protection and associated services will be together

under one dedicated

agency with clear lines of management, more integrated models of working

and a ring-fenced budget.

While many challenges remain and while more service developments are needed

and planned, this major organisational reform in itself lays the

foundations for development of world-class child protection, welfare and

family support service in Ireland."

The Agency will operate under the Child and Family Agency Act, 2013 which

was recently signed into law. Minister Fitzgerald said: “I was anxious that

the new Agency would operate within a strong framework of public

accountability, and the Child and Family Agency Act 2013 sets this out in

detail. I will also be in a position to determine specific operational

priorities, in line with Government objectives, and these will be

communicated to the Agency and incorporated into its corporate planning

process, in due course.”

“I wish all of the incoming staff well as Establishment Day finally arrives

and also wish them well into the future. Finally, I want to convey every

good wish to the incoming Board of the Agency.”