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Minister for Children, Frances Fitzgerald, T.D. visits Irish Community in Earthquake Stricken Christchurch, New Zealand

Minister Fitzgerald paid a one day visit to Chrishchurch on 19th March to meet with members of the Irish Community. Speaking at the Irish Association Club premises in the city, the Minister expressed the solidarity and support of the Irish Government and people for the one thousand three hundred strong community.

The Minister applauded the great community spirit demonstrated by the Irish in support of the vulnerable members of the community in the aftermath of the earthquake. The Irish community members welcomed the commemoration service planned for March 20 in Christchurch Cathedral in Dublin.

The Minister announced an Irish Government emergency welfare assistance of 20,000 for the Irish community badly affected by the earthquake. The funds will be administered by the Irish Community Associations in Chrishchurch.

The Minister also met with the family of one of the Irish victims, John O’ Connor, following the funeral. The Minister conveyed condolences on behalf of the Government to the O’ Connor family, many of whom had travelled from Kerry for the service.

While in Chrishchurch the Minister met with New Zealand Minister for Economic Development and Earthquake Recovery, Mr Gerry Brownlee, the first such meeting with the New Zealand Government.

The visit to Christchurch followed a five day visit to Australia where the Ministerial programme included economic, tourism and Irish community related events. The Minister also met with the Australian Minister for Schools, Early Childhood and Youth, Mr Peter Garrett and discussed child- related issues.

The Chrischurch earthquake on 22 February resulted in 166 deaths (confirmed to date), including two members of the local Irish community. There were also many injured and large scale damage to the Central  Business District and many suburbs. Large parts of the city are still without electricity and water services. The Irish community in Christchurch numbers 1,300 approximately, including 1,100 long term residents and 200 short- term residents (working holiday visa holders). Twenty five percent of the population of Christchurch would have an Irish heritage. There are several strong Irish Community Organisations in Christchurch including the Christchurch Irish Association, the GAA and the Irish Rovers Soccer Club.