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Minister for Children, Francis Fitzgerald T.D. in Australia for St. Patrick's Day

Minister for Children, Francis Fitzgerald T.D. is in Australia for St. Patrick's Day. There is a strong economic focus to the Ministerial programme for this visit.

"This is a tremendous opportunity for Ireland", said Minister Fitzgerald.

"Having a Ministerial presence at St Patrick's Day events gives Ireland some increased profile and opportunity to engage with the diaspora and the business and political community of Australia."

Australian Ambassador to Ireland Bruce Davis met Minister Fitzgerald at the Australian Embassy in Dublin before her departure. Ambassador Davis said that Minister Fitzgerald's St Patrick's Day visit was a reminder of the large Irish presence in Australia and the strong ties between the two countries. He also hoped that the Minister's presence at the launch of the groundbreaking 'Irish in Australia' exhibition would encourage both Irish and Australians to explore their shared heritage.

Approximately 80 Irish companies have offices or representation in Australia. Australia is the country outside of Britain and the US with the largest Irish community and has become a destination for many people leaving Ireland due to the economic situation. Australia was Ireland's 21st largest merchandise trading partner in 2009 and is the 7th largest visitor market for Ireland. The Australian economy has successfully avoided recession.

The centrepiece of a Ministerial visit will be the launch of the "Irish in Australia" exhibition at the National Museum of Australia in Canberra.

This major exhibition, over more than 1000m2, brings together almost 500 objects giving glimpses of the role played by Irish migrants in shaping the history of Australia. It is the first of its kind organised by the National Museum and the first time the Irish diaspora has been honoured in this way in Australia.

The programme of official St Patrick's Day visits this year involves travel by the Taoiseach and 8 Ministers to 8 countries. The programme of Ministerial travel aims to assist the growth of Ireland's economic and business footprint abroad by supporting the work of the Embassies and the State Agencies with offices overseas, as well as strengthening our bilateral relations, supporting Irish communities and ensuring that our key economic partners know that Ireland is 'open for business'.

Minister Fitzgerald will also participate in and officiate at promotional events being organised by the all the State Agencies with a presence in Australia, namely, Enterprise Ireland, Tourism Ireland and the IDA. She will deliver an economic-themed speech at the Lansdowne Club St Patrick's Day lunch, which will have a audience of over 1200 Irish and Irish-Australian business people, and it is hoped will be attended by Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard.